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you should make a website.

why? its not too difficult. theres numerous ways to host one for free, like neocities (ur on that right now!) or github pages. you dont need to know much html or css at all to make something cool. theres plenty of tutorials online. for example if you want to do something like add an image as a background for your website, look it up. you could also use the code of other websites you like as reference and use that knowledge to create something new.

its fun too. you can do just about anything. write about stuff you love, show off some other creations you have made, simply talk about yourself, or throw something completely insane together that represents the state of your everso crumbling mind.

small websites made by those who just want to make something nice are one of the very few forms of art that have not been tainted by the mindset of creating without passion, purely to achieve some sort of profit. why should you make something if you do not care about what you are making. there are so many cool websites out there that do not ask for popularity or exchange of money or likes. just a little thing someone made to put something sweet out there. it is absolutely beautiful that this sort of passion is still present. the world needs more of it.

go do it. make a website. if it isnt ur thing, thats fine. make something else. any sort of thing you could imagine. you could make it. but dont do it for attention. do it because you like it.